BUS 410 – Management Information Systems


MS Excel Project Specifications: (No Longer Used)

Excel Project Specification

Ouput for the Excel Project


Template Files for MS Excel Project: (No Longer Used)

Excel Project Template #1

Excel Project Template #2

Excel Project Template #3


Template Files for Excel Rubic Assestment

Excel Project Rubic

Instructions for Excel Rubic

Output for Excel Rubic

Analysis Instructions

Policy for Book Purchasing

Report Documentation

Report Skeleton Documentation




Extra Notes for the Excel Project: 

Start up Microsoft Excel

Modify a Worksheet in Excel

Modifying Data in Excel

Entering Data into Excel

Setup Pivot Table in Excel

Formatting Cells in Excel

Performing Calculations in Excel 2007

Setting up Charts in Excel

Sorting and Filtering in Excel

Vlookup formula in Excel


Office 2010/2013 Excel Assitance



Homework Assignments:

Homework #1

Homework #1A-Chapter 12

Homework #2

Homework #3

Business Analyst Article


Class Syllabus:

BUS 410 Class Syllabus Point Mugu

Microsoft Access Project  

Database Project

Starting and Using MS Access 2007

Getting Familiar with Microsoft Access 2007

Creating Microsoft Access Tables

Working with Microsoft Access Tables

Sorting, Filtering, and Creating Relationships

Creating Microsoft Access Queries

Creating Forms

Creating Reports


Office 2010/2013 Access Assitance


Midterm BUS 410


Final BUS 410



PowerPoint Slides for BUS 410 7th Edition

Chapters 1-4

Chapters 5-10

Chapters 11-15

Chapters 16-17


Power Point Viewer 2007

Power Point Viewer 2007


Web Quizzes for BUS 410 7th Edition

Web Quizzes for BUS 410 7th Edition


PowerPoint Slides for BUS 410 8th Edition

8th Edition Chapters 1-14



PowerPoint Slides for BUS 410 9th Edition

9th Edition Chapters 1-14



PowerPoint Slides for BUS 410 10th Edition

10th Edition Chapters 1-14